Welcome to
Revival Today Bible Institute

Raising Ministers of
in word &

Raising Ministers of Excellence
who deliver the Gospel of Jesus
Christ in Word & Power
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Application deadlines:
Spring 2025 - December 1, 2024
Fall 2025 - July 31, 2025

Our Generation
Shall Be Saved!

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Registration for both Spring and Fall 2025 Now Open.
Evangelists Jonathan
& Adalis Shuttlesworth

Do you feel the call of God into full-time ministry? If so, a strong biblical foundation is essential. However, education alone is insufficient. Sound biblical training coupled with the power of the Holy Ghost is required.

God has called us to open a training school to equip the next generation in fulfilling the call of God on their lives. Revival Today Bible School exists to train ministers of excellence who deliver the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Word and Power. Will you join us in seeing this generation transformed through the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
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Fall 2023 Application Due Date: July, 31, 2023

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Interested in RTBI
We want to hear from you!
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Receive in person training to reach and fulfill the call of God.

Souls are waiting on fiery Holy Ghost Ministers and Evangelists to rise up in the power of the Spirit to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Year bible
Member of
  • Excellence
    Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men. Colossians 3:23
  • Word
    For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword... Hebrews 4:12a
  • Power
    For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes...
    Romans 1:16a
Year Bible

RTBI Course List

 *Courses subject to change, doesn’t include guest lecturers/courses 

First Year Courses

Old Testament Survey
New Testament Survey
Church History and Pentecostal Heritage
Bible Doctrines
Gifts of the Spirit
Bible Prophecy
Pastoral Care and Leadership
Christ the Healer
The Gospels
Seminar and Personal Development
English Composition
US History
Helps Ministry Practicum
Second Year Courses
Admin: Creating and Managing A Nonprofit
Finances For Ministers
Marriage, Family and Ministry
Biblical Sexuality
Book of Acts
Communication and Influence
Christianity and World Religions
Angelology and Demonology
Practicum and Senior Portfolio

Upon successful completion of the two year program, students will be able to receive their ministerial license through Revival Today Ministerial Association.

Learn More

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Acts 1:8


Architectural firm focused on the creating strong, beautiful buildings with spaces that are flexible, is beautiful, and appropriate for the needs of its occupants


Gomez-Alvarez talked about his connection to the building itself. After visiting the facility for the first time, he said he immediately knew the potential it had


It’s modern, designed for a future. It’s very technological. You have wi-fi and video, a big screen and a window in each space. You can walk right out of one floor


Chicago-based Designers was the lead designer of the building, led by Will Radford and Matt Trott. They wanted a creative office that utilize the space and needed minimal

 The Gospel
REvival Today Bible Institute

25 Minutes From Downtown
Pittsburgh, PA

School Location - 107 Patton Drive, Coraopolis, PA 15108


 Revival today
bible Instituteevents

Application deadlines:
Spring 2025  - December 1, 2024
Fall 2025 - July 31, 2025

Upcoming Events:

  • Application deadline is July 31. Orientation is Friday, September 1.
  • January 2023 Semester Start Tuesday, January 10, 2023
  • Fall 2023 First Day September 10, 2023

Frequently Asked Questions

Your answer maybe found below.

What is Revival Today Bible Institute?

Revival Today Bible Institute is a 2-year Bible Certificate Program for those called into full-time ministry. 

Where is Revival Today Bible Institute?

Classes will be held at 107 Patton Drive, Coraopolis, PA 15108

How do I apply to Revival Today Bible Institute?

Apply Online Here

Apply Here
Application deadlines:

Spring 2024- Dec 1
Fall 2024- July 31

Can international students apply?

Currently, RTBI is not accepting international students.

How do I know if Revival Today Bible Institute is a good fit for me?

RTBI is for those looking to enter full-time pastoral/evangelistic Ministry.

Are all students required to attend in person?

All students are required to be available for classes/ministry Tuesday – Friday (9am – 3pm). There will be no evening or distance courses offered. 

Are there any prerequisites?

High School Transcript/GED. Students must be between the ages of 18-30 years old to apply.

What is the application fee?

$50 paid online with submission of your application.

 Will housing be made available? 

Students must secure their own housing and cover the cost of daily living expenses, bills, food, etc. 

What does tuition cost?

$4,000, via 2 payments of $2,000 submitted at the beginning of each Fall Semester. Textbooks and any other course needs (laptop, etc.) will be purchased by the student. Tuition Payment Link

Who will be teaching the courses?

Evangelists Jonathan and Adalis Shuttlesworth, along with other pastors/staff of Revival Today Church and Bible Institute. 

What kind of accreditation does Revival Today Bible Institute have?

Revival Today Bible Institute is an accredited member with Transworld Accrediting Commission International (TACI). 

Will I receive a degree after graduating?

RTBI is a 2-year Certificate program, no undergraduate degree will be awarded upon completion. The expectation is that students will launch into full-time ministry after graduation. 

I’ll be attending RTBI, do you recommend any housing nearby Revival Today Church?

Still have questions?

Please email us at rtbi@revivaltoday.com


Workshops for Realtors in the Maritime Provinces were held in the last three months to provide tools, guidance, and information to help Realtors work more efficiently with our partners in the housing sector and promote awareness for those who are looking to enter the housing market. These workshops and information sessions were organized in Halifax Sydney


It's always good to see this kind of excitement and excitement around British Columbia housing developments. This evening is a great opportunity to see what our politicians and community leaders are working on to create a real market for affordable housing for all. Housing affordability is one of the biggest challenges facing our province and community leaders.


The evening features a mix of surprises, new information about both the Council’s housing affordability strategy and the provincial government’s recent announcement, and plenty of energy and enthusiasm about action. Don’t miss the opportunity to share your housing affordability story and the ideas for a more sustainable housing industry.

 Building a park
 Lounge zone
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Your Future Starts Here.

Take the first step to fulfilling the destiny and plan of God for your life. Don't Hesitate Apply.

Registration for both Spring and Fall 2025 Now Open.
Dean Melissa & Pastor Adalis

Faith,  joy and encouragement to help you on your way!

Listen to the Podcast